Campus France Kuwait

An electronic process to facilitate your steps

Campus France Koweït is the starting point of any study project in France and the essential contact for any long-stay visa application for higher studies.
Since November 15, 2017, Campus France Koweït has an online paid-for servicesapplication. As a result, all requests for pre-registration from French universities and higher education institutions, with some exceptions (read the « Etablissementsconnectés et non-connectés-Connected and non-connected institutions » sheet), must be made through this application.

« Etudes en France » is the official platform of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, which allows electronic processing of student pre-registration files.

It allows each student to create a unique electronic file in which personal information, previous course as well as requests for pre-registration in French higher education institutions are listed. Thanks to its integrated messaging, students can now ask all their questions to the Campus France Koweït team, which undertakes to answer them as soon as possible.

With the « Etudes en France » platform, the processing of the candidates’ files is completely computerized, thus considerably shortening the waiting times while offering a real-time follow-up of the progress of the files.

WARNING : The « Etudes en France » procedure does not guarantee obtaining neither a pre-registration nor the issuance of a visa. The « Etudes en France » application fees are non-refundable

  •  If you wish to apply in 1st year of Bachelor’s degree, Architecture Schools (all levels), please refer to the « 1st year of Bachelor’s degree, Architecture Schools » sheet.
  • If you wish to apply in 2nd, 3rd year of Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, please refer to the « Application procedure » sheet.
  • If you are already in possession of a certificate of enrolment, obtained from an institution that is not connected, or if you are leaving for a university exchange between your current institution and its French partner, please refer to the« Pre-consular procedure » sheet.
  • If you wish to apply in PhD, please refer to the «  Futursdoctorants-Prospective doctoral students » sheet.

In all cases, please refer to the following sheets: « Etablissementsconnectés et non-connectés-Connected and non-connected institutions » ; « Cas d’exemption-Exemption cases ».

Access to your application file « Etudes en France »

Campus France Koweït
Institut français du Koweït
Jabriya, block 1, street 6, villa 41
(+965) 25 31 97 34 / 35 – (+965) 22 32 30 31

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